Our groomer is passionate about providing your dogs with the best grooming experience possible.
Grooming is an important part of the health and well being of every dog in their care. They are often first to note skin conditions and minor injuries that can uncover possible health risks-- before they become bigger issues.
16-year mountain resident, she operates her Dog Groomer business called “Camp Julsby Grooming Services” at Tommy’s Pet Studio. Julie provides Full Service, All Breed, Dog Grooming. A pet care professional for over 25 years, she attended Grooming School in Riverside, where she stayed on as an instructor before opening her first independent Grooming Shop in Redlands.
Julie also worked for a leading petfood company, where she was involved with many aspects of the Pet Food Industry from formulation, production, and advertising. She is a Breeder of Champion Labrador Retrievers and brings all of these professional skills to her grooming services. The grooming products Julie chooses to use are the same products she uses on her show dogs.
For more information about Julie, visit her website at https://www.campjulsby.com/grooming-services. Call or text for an appointment (909) 273-4849
Our groomers use products that are professional grade, puppy safe, wheat and gluten Free, paraben free, non-toxic/biodegradable, contain certified organic ingredients. They are always gentle and mild for sensitive skin, with hypo allergenic formulations.
At home Spa treatments? We're happy to assist you in selecting the best all-natural spa solutions for self-care for your pets. We carry natural grooming products for all your pets, including: